Friday 5 November 2010

Features for the Radio Show

For both our radio shows we have about 7 features to play through out the play and only one of them is going to be live which will be the quick fire round
  • Quick Fire Round
The aim of the game is basically to link words/objects/places together until someone gets stuck The presenter says a word, such as Apple, then the next contestant has to link it to something else, like Pear, or something totally different like the iPhone. The quiz ends when the other contestants cant think of a related subject to the last word that has been said. As this is a fast paced show that requires quick, smart reactions, we have decided to play this in our morning show so it'll wake up the audience.
  • Pre-recorded Quiz
Gemma and Naomi started to think up questions that could be asked in a quiz which would require the other members of the team to take part. They also tried to make it so that the answers were all about different subjects so as that everyone that took part in the quiz had a chance to get a point. Apparently they found it quite difficult in finding answers, as most were hard or we couldn't think up enough to ask, the quiz though surprisingly ended up 9 minutes long. Jon was the presenter that asked the questions and it was, Brett, Kris and Gemma that was the contestants in the quiz.

  • Guess That Tune
Many times I have heard a gameshow being made from a song that has be distorted, played backwards and basically messed with. So we used this as a starter to base our next gameshow on. Naomi, Gemma and myself made up this quiz, when editing it we played the song backwards instead of jumbling it all around so you just have to look out for key words in the song we have picked or the tune. The audience then call, text or come down to the studio if the know the answer.

  • Children In Need Feature I
After doing some Children In Need Research, we come across all the past songs that had been made and released for the charity. So for our next feature, Jon and Nathan together got hold of all of the songs and then merged them into one song which lasts over 3 minutes but includes about 7 different songs. We decided to play about 30 seconds of each song before switching to a different one. This was done so that the audience recognises the songs from being related to Children In Need and what the new song will be and encourages the audience to buy the new track.

  • Children In Need Feature II
Gemma and Naomi created a second feature for Children In Need, which is partly based on the NSPCC adverts that you so often see, and also when the main broadcast of CIN is on the BBC, they often play clips which raises awareness to the public, and this one raises awareness of the programme and how you should try and donate money towards the charity. On the official site of Children In Need, the girls found a clip of a little girl called Ellie who is currently in hospital, and has been for a while and she is only young. They recorded her speaking and then Gemma recorded herself asking for help and how the audience can help Ellie and others get better by donating and giving them better equipment.

  • Where's Kris / Jon
This feature, like Quick Fire and Guess That Tune, gets the audiences brains guessing. Kris and Nathan had the idea about the two presenters on each different show describing a couple of locations as to where they are. We decided to do this as it's a challenging game because we only give away 2-3 clues for each location and so it's not exactly easy unless we give away big clues, which we don't. Like as before, the audience can either call or text in during the show if they think they know what the answer is.

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