Thursday 4 November 2010

Radio Analysis

The three radio stations that I decided to listen to was Radio 5 live breakfast phone-in, Matalan In-store radio and Classic FM. The three radio stations are very different to each other but also have some similarities hidden in them.
I chose to analyse Matalan radio because I work there, so I could get an idea of the different types of music they play throughout the day, or when I work. I first found out that Matalan don't actually have the correct license to play chart music etc, so they've had to use cover versions that sound just like the real thing. The only adverts Matalan do is to do with the new range of fashion clothing that's been launched or telling you about the website. There also isn't actually a proper presenter, it's almost as if the whole show has been pre-recorded on a play list and played over, which reminds me of when I recently listened to the Touch FM night show, the news was actually reported from "Sky News" and not Touch FM HQ. The lady who announces the adverts has a very upbeat tone of voice, and sounds very light hearted but serious enough so she can get her point across and try and promote the advert. To the music now, and Matalan radio played a variety of music, from old classic hits, to new up-to-date hits. I think this showed me that the target audience i.e the customers, for Matalan ranged from the younger generation, teens to the older, more mature generation. The pace of the show is rather fast, which songs being faded out and then faded straight into another song with no talking in between,  and this happens most of the time. Every so often there would be an Ident between each song which would simply say "Matalan", or one time I did hear "Thank you for shopping at Matalan". Seeing as this is a in-store radio show which customers listen to as they shop, I actually think its more convenient for the show to be constant music, then the customers can use it as background music as they shop and don't have to worry about listening in hard or missing something that may have been said and their full concentration can be on the shopping. But I think that the main purpose for the station is not just for backing music, but to sell products that have either just arrived, or that are on sale. I noticed that when the music is playing it's relatively quiet, but when the lady voice comes up, the volume is suddenly increased a fair bit. This is done to alert the shoppers and make them listen in to the offers that are currently in store. When something is being played at a quiet volume, and then all of a sudden someone starts talking loudly, it's a natural reaction to look up and take notice, or in this case, listen in. I think they've considered it well because the woman only talks once every 15-30 mins so its not constant talking. By setting it in 15-30 minute timeslots, it gives the new customers who have entered the store but not heard the announce, chance to hear it.
The second show I decided to listen to and analyse is the breakfast phone-in with Nicky Campbell on Radio 5 Live. This show is totally different to the Matalan radio because there is no music whatsoever. The basis of the phone-in is that the presenter brings up a topic that is in the papers and is big news, and then invites the audience and listeners to call in and debate about the topic, and voice their opinions. The talk show debate is actually fast paced because people are constantly talking over each other as they debate with one another. The presenter also takes part. On every single debate each morning after about 15 minutes there is an Ident which advertises 5 Live, and then it goes straight to the news, which is with a different presenter. This happens 4 times throughout the show, as the show itself is an hour long. There is no reference to music at all on this show, only reference to hot topics in the news and papers. The presenters voice is quite serious as they are all talking about serious stories, but he is not a boring mono-toned voice person. He often raises his voice alot when expressing his opinions when callers are taking part, and although the show is just all talking he is light-hearted. He tries to make the show interesting. The target audience for this show I think is upper class mature as most of the topics that are debated are to do with politics or upper class people themselves, such as the Prime Minister etc. Not all the time is it about politics however, sometimes they talk about top sport topics, or controversial celebrity stories, but most of the time it swings into the politics side of things. I feel that the purpose of this radio show, is to give the audience a chance to get involved for themselves. The thing that this show lets the listeners do is ring in and voice theirr opinions on the days topic, so it gives them chance to interact with the presenting panel and also argue with other listeners opinions. The show usually lets in 2-3 callers at a time, so they get the chance to argue their opinions with other members of the public, who are usually from the same sort of class as them, as well as the studio presenters. 

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