Thursday 4 November 2010

Questionaire for Audience Research

This is the questionaire that mainly myself, Naomi and Gemma came up with. We all chipped in to think of questions then Naomi and I typed it up. This is copied and pasted from the Word document...:
Audience Research-Questionnaire
WWhat is your age range? (Please circle)
16-18 18-21 21-25 25+
WWhat Gender are you?
Male Female
HHow often do you listen to the radio?
1-2 times per week 3-4 times per week Everyday
WWhere do you listen to the radio?
At Home At Work In the Car
 What time of day do you usually listen to it?
Morning Mid-Day Afternoon Evening
6. A) In the Morning what type of music would you want to hear?
Relaxing Loud Mixture of the Two
b) In the morning would you want travel and news updates every minutes? Yes no
7) in the afternoon would you prefer to have a mixture of all genres? Yes no
8) Where you would prefer to have more features played?
Morning Afternoon Same Amount in Both
What sort of music do you like listening to on the radio?
Pop/Charts DnB Classic Rock Dance RnB Indie
Do you like to hear regular news and travel updates? Yes no
Would you like to participate in games on the radio?
Yes no
How do you usually participate in Children In Need?
What sort of content would you like to hear from the radio to raise money for Children In Need?

Its not exactly best layed out as it was hard to do it on here, but you can see the questions and answers that we have provided for the people to fill out.

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